X1 = Sussex area location

X1 = Sussex area location

Presentation :

Sussex dialect :

Sussex dialect has its sources in Anglo-Saxon, Dutch, Welsh, with a bit of 14th-century French and Scandinavian. A large part of this dialect are words are the result of Sussex's fishermen speaking and their links with french and dutsh fishermen.

Here you can find some usefull links, for exemple that local dictionnary,

Southerners consider themselves as banal accent speakers, for example, Brighton people feel like they just pronounce some words differently but that's it.

Brighton (East Sussex), an exemple of Sussex dialect :

Here you can find some usefull links, for exemple that local dictionnary, this female example on IDEA or this very interesting 2 hours discussion in Brighton about accent on BBC Voices.

Examples :
Lucy Griffiths :

She is from Brighton and became a well-know actress nowadays. Her feature is that she can speak using many different dialects and languages. But because Sugar Rush sets in her hometown, she obviously uses the local accent.

From 0:50 to 1:25

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